ocean plastic

Interceptor Trashfence Stops a Plastic Tsunami in the World’s Most Polluting River (Then Fails)

Why TeamSeas Doesn't Work: Their Interceptors

A Plastic Wave - A documentary film on plastic pollution

Plastic Pollution is Killing Wildlife | Oceana Canada

Where Does Ocean Plastic Come From?

WATCH This Modern Technology Remove MILLIONS of Plastics From The Ocean

The Plastic Problem - A PBS NewsHour Documentary

How your choices can change their lives | Prevented Ocean Plastic™

Plastic Ocean

A Plastic Ocean: Coca-Cola's Hidden Secrets

System 03 Delivers: Our Biggest Plastic Extraction to Date

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Is Not What You Think It Is | The Swim

What if we told you this was what Guatemala’s coastlines look like right now…

Giant Floating Islands of Trash – World’s Largest Garbage Dumps

The Creatures That Thrive in the Pacific Garbage Patch

Why Can’t We Scoop All the Plastic Out of the Ocean?

I Built a Guitar Out of Ocean Plastic

Plastic Pollution: How Humans are Turning the World into Plastic

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Explained | Research | The Ocean Cleanup

What Can Be Done About The Plastic Crisis? (Part 1) | Drowning In Plastic | Earth Stories

More Plastic Out of the Ocean

Blue Voice - Plastic Pollution in the Ocean - Animated Short Film - 3D Short Animation

Plastic Ocean

The Ocean Cleanup's 100th Plastic Haul from The Great Pacific Garbage Patch